Ready To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life + Create A Very Attractive And Glowing Body Faster … Even After Struggling With Weight Issues For Years?

Discover how to SHIFT that stubborn excess weight, INCREASE energy levels and finally thrive with plant foods … while feasting on delicious carbs and without restricting calories!

There is a BIG problem in the weight management industry right now.
Actually three BIG problems:
95% of weight loss diets fail. That means that 95 out of 100 people who are trying to diet will NOT experience results if they don’t have the right system. Yet, still carrying extra body fat is not the answer either. It negatively affects hormonal health and indeed overall health. A high body fat percentage typically results in an increase in the hormones called estrogen, an increase in insulin, and an increase in cortisol, negatively affecting one’s health. This has to be solved!
Old school weight loss methods mean a lot of struggle and don’t solve anything long term. What’s more, they are unsustainable, which explains why so many people don’t get results. Approaches like “carbs lead to weight gain, so exclude them” or “restrict calories to 1,000 per day” are totally unhealthy and unsustainable and make people starve, binge eat and then gain their unhealthy weight back.
Attempting to solve this crisis are the mass of “health gurus” who want to teach about weight release, but who OVERCOMPLICATE the process and make it difficult to actually achieve a slim body and MAINTAIN IT. There’s so much fluff and confusion that people start to doubt themselves, losing faith in what they are doing and their precious body.
How many can relate to one of these two scenarios?
We’re going to put an end to all of this, right here and now – without wasting any more time
There IS A WAY to effortlessly drop those excess pounds while eating lots of delicious, healthy CARBS (because who wants to live with never ending cravings and low energy levels?)
There IS A WAY to do it faster than ever before (because getting into the best shape of your life does NOT have to take years and can be done in just weeks!)
There IS A WAY to not only reduce unhealthy weight, but also BUILD health and create healthy hormones and a glowing body and … this time … MAINTAIN IT (enough already!)
The Weight Loss Industry Is A $40 Billion Dollar Business Built Around YOUR Pain And Failure To Lose Weight
Contemplate on this …
If the weight loss programs and advice pushed onto people actually worked – we would see a world of slim and healthy people. Reality? Far from it …
And Did You Know That Many Of The Most Well-Known Diet Programs Were Actually Owned By Big Food Companies?
Shocking, but …
- Weight Watchers was owned by Heinz until 1999 (and Heinz still manufactures their “diet foods”)…
- Slim-fast was owned by Unilever until 2014 (Unilever also owns the Hellman’s brand – think mayonnaise – and Lipton iced tea).
- And Jenny Craig was owned by Nestle until 2013 (the same company that makes Butterfinger and unhealthy chocolate bars).
Yes…The Same Companies Who Make Chocolate Bars Then Turn Around And Sell To People Diet Plans To Help Them Lose The Weight They Have Gained From Eating Their Foods.
And Who Pays The Price?
YOU do. And that sucks.
You deserve better…
We’ve created a sustainable, delicious plant foods lifestyle that has already helped hundreds of people release 10-50 lbs of excess weight as well as balance their hormones and other health challenges … in just weeks vs years or even never!
And it’s called …

It’s not confusing or complicated.
It’s not pseudo science.
In fact, we have three simple golden rules that help our clients release that energy draining, confidence stealing excess weight …
The Three Simple Golden Weight Loss Rules:
Health comes first
Health comes first: no point in losing weight and losing health. The right lifestyle plan will help with BALANCING those underlying issues (like hormonal imbalances, metabolic issues or gut disorders, which are often linked with weight issues) WHILE also assisting with weight loss.
No carbohydrate restriction
NO carbohydrate restriction. Read: EVER! Because … healthy sugar is GREAT for health! Carb restriction is simply pseudo science. It creates an unhealthy relationship with food, leads to people overeating on fat, damages hormones, digestive health and creates inflammation.
The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences published a study that compared 5 different diets and their effect on weight loss.
These diets included an omnivore, semi-vegetarian, vegetarian, pesco vegetarian and a plant based diet.
At the end of the six month study, those people who were eating the plant diet lost more weight than people following any of the other diets. In fact, within just 2 months on a plant diet, people lost an average of 16.5 pounds in weight.
These Three Simple Golden Weight Loss Rules have already taken hundreds of our clients from struggling, confused, frustrated and stuck to a place where they are able to drop POUNDS of excess weight in just weeks, PLUS experience through the roof energy levels and enjoying their healthy, glowing body!
We get it …
I know all of this… but it doesn’t mean I CAN FIGURE those three things out!
Yes, many people KNOW this stuff logically already, but get lost in the detail and how to accomplish these three things quickly and painlessly.
Key word here? QUICKLY.
Who are we and why should you believe us?
We’re Paul and Yulia Tarbath, founders of Rawsomehealthy. We help driven, health conscious people achieve natural, plant powered weight loss and rebalance their hormones and health naturally.
We’re certified Holistic Nutritionists with over a decade of experience in the health coaching niche and hundreds of clients, as well as thousands of customers who have been transformed by what we do.
We run our popular Rawsomehealthy Youtube channel with over 12 million views and we are followed by over 100,000 people across the world.
As experts in the area of nutrition and health, we’ve been featured in the Huffington Post, Daily Mail, The Mirror, Natural News, Mind Body Green, The Elephant Journal, Women’s Weekly, India Times, Blogtalk Radio, and other magazines, newspapers, blogs and websites across the world.
With the help of the Weight On Point lifestyle, Yulia has been able to overcome low energy levels, Candida, PCOS, Hashimoto’s … weight and fertility issues. She went from being bed ridden with adrenal fatigue to running a whole marathon, triathlon, conceiving her daughter naturally and becoming a driven, successful, SLIM mom.
It’s our Weight On Point plan that allows ourselves and thousands of our clients to thrive year in and year out in a delicious, plant powered, high carbohydrate and sustainable way.
Our “Weight On Point” methodology has helped hundreds of our clients drop the extra pounds naturally faster than ever before, while also balancing their hormones and health.
So now that we’ve got your attention, let us ask you this:
Are you or have you been at a healthy weight year in and year out, while also experiencing great energy levels?
Are your hormones balanced, and you have a healthy cycle, healthy fertility, or are going through a healthy perimenopause – or menopause?
Answered NO to any of the above three questions? Well, today can be the day this all changes.
Introducing … Weight On Point

Finally, a power-packed digital program that can create noticeable changes quickly and give that step-by-step plan for dropping those extra pounds … the SWEET and PLANT powered way so you can finish your meals feeling full, energetic and satisfied!

NO 40 hour classes.

NO 456 page workbooks.

NO fluffy bonuses.
Just exactly what you need to start building that slim, attractive and glowing body through the power of whole plant foods.
Like Brittney did…
“I had an embarrassing chronic yeast infection and Candida, fatigue, skin issues and I could not release my stubborn weight.
I had my doubts about the high carb, high fruit lifestyle, especially after following the traditional “anti-Candida” diet, where I had to restrict carbs.
In just 6 weeks, I was completely symptom-free!
My Candida and yeast infections were gone, I was no longer bloated, I felt lots of energy and I finally lost all the excess weight (losing a total of 40 lbs – some before and some during the program).
Amazing transformation!”
Brittney Douglas, California, USA
We decided to call it “Weight On Point” because there are so many people who feel like they’ve drowning in confusion and frustration over what to eat.
Who have had enough of 21-day challenges, weight “clubs”, low carb diets, calorie restriction, ineffective gym workouts and false promises.
What’s Included in Weight On Point:
WORKSHOP 1: Plant Foods Nutrition Formula
In this workshop, you’ll get to create the right macro nutrient ratio (carbs, protein, fat ratio) for optimum weight release and finally MAKE IT HAPPEN.
We’ll show you how to prepare your kitchen for your weight transformation, exactly what you need to EXCLUDE and INCLUDE to help you with weight loss, how to plan calories, as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner for maximum fat loss and health restoration. We call it The Weight On Point Rule, and it’s so simple—and so delicious. Plus, it focuses on the steps to help you achieve TRANSFORMATION, vs just give more information.
What We’ll Work On:

WORKSHOP 2: Weight On Point Formula
Discover the real reasons why weight loss has been such a struggle in the past and exactly how to change this. This workshop will assist you with understanding how to reconnect with your body in a way that makes you want to nurture it with plant foods.
You’ll get an EXACT weight management plan that our clients invest thousands for and a strategy to shift that excess weight even if everything else has failed before. No more confusion and frustration – let us help you drop those unwanted pounds and rev up your metabolism as well!
What We’ll Work On:
- nutritional changes to make for max weight loss
- advanced strategies to burn excess body fat while eating more carbs
- body image, mindset and inner changes to finally re-connect with the body in a new way

Weight On Point Vegan Meal Plan + Shopping list: To Implement It All!
This includes a 7-day “done-for-you” vegan breakfast, lunch and dinner plan created by us – certified holistic nutritionists.
Designed to take out all the guess work and provide simple, healthy and delicious meals, plus EXACT foods to eat. The recipes are so delicious, people don’t miss their old foods! Just follow the plan and enjoy feasting on high-carb plant foods while at the same time dropping those excess pounds.
What We’ll Work On:
- the exact foods to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- AN easy shopping list to take ON that next grocery trip TO MAKE IT A BREEZE
- “done-for-You”, no need FOR ANY GUESSWORK!

High raw foods menu plan + shopping list: Get More Living Foods In!
This includes a 7-day “done-for-you” high raw vegan breakfast, lunch and dinner plan created by us – certified holistic nutritionists.
This is specifically for people who just LOVE their smoothies, green smoothies, salads and some low-fat vegan cooked food in the evening. This plan will provide simple, healthy and delicious meals, plus the EXACT foods to eat and delicious recipes to make every day of the week. Take all the guess work out, just follow the plan and enjoy feasting on high-carb plant foods while at the same time dropping those excess pounds.
What We’ll Work On:
- easy shopping list to take ON that next grocery trip
- “done-for-You”, no need to FOR ANY GUESSWORK!

Cleanse, renew, rejuvenate! This DONE-FOR-YOU weekend green smoothie cleanse plan provides simple, yet powerfully rejuvenating meals, PLUS a comprehensive shopping list.
Print this off and take it while out shopping to help the body with cleansing itself. It’s like a weekend retreat away, but from the comfort of home!

Food Replacement Chart
One of the main reasons why people fail on weight diets? Because they remove the unhealthy foods they loved so much before, yet FAIL to replace them with new foods they’ll equally love. This handy chart shows you how to replace foods that make people pile on excess weight with foods that will help release that excess body fat. Use this again and again as your new reference guide.

One of the secrets to a lasting healthy weight and a slim body? Planning!
This cheat sheet will provide a printable template to help plan a whole week of YOUR plant-powered meals so you know how to design your plan.
Because the more mastery you build around nutrition … the more mastery you’ll have around the way your body looks and feels (aka looking SEXY in a swimsuit or your favorite jeans)!

Vegetables are one of the best weight loss foods. A salad a day helps with boosting many vitamins such as C, E, B6 and folic acid. But sitting down to chew a bunch of lettuce, grated carrots, sprouts with field greens is not really that appetizing.
This is why we’ve created this ebook. It’s packed full of delicious, healthy salad dressings that can be made in just minutes to assist with weight release and body restoration.

Get excited to feel brand new like Jordyn:
“I suffered from bloating and a lot of digestive discomforts, as well as excess weight, fatigue, and acne.
I was already eating a vegan diet, yet I was still experiencing significant health issues and I was tired of constant bloating and low energy.
Within 3 days after I applied the new program, I began experiencing immediate results.
My Candida and bloating was gone, my digestion continued to balance, the excess weight started melting away without a lot of effort – I was literally eating all the carbs I cared for!
My acne is balanced and my stomach looks flat – something that I have not experienced for a long time.
And finally, I no longer look like I am 6 months pregnant!”
Jordyn, USA
Peek Inside Weight On Point!

- Plant Foods Nutrition Formula: Step-by-step plan for implementing the RIGHT plant foods lifestyle plan
- (Valued at $129)
- On Point Weight Loss Formula: How our clients drop pounds of excess weight in just weeks
- (Valued at $129)
- Weight On Point vegan Meal Plan + Shopping list
- (Valued at $47)
- High raw foods menu plan + shopping list
- (Valued at $47)
- 3-Day Green Smoothie Detox Plan And Shopping List
- (Valued at $47)
- Plan-Your-Own Weekly Meal Guide
- (Valued at $37)
- Food Replacement Chart
- (Valued at $47)
- Ebook: 2 Minute Salad Dressings
- (Valued at $37)
Total Value = $540
Today’s Offer = $67

“As well as losing 5 lbs and reversing pre-diabetes, I’ve experienced a huge increase in energy, which gave me an opportunity to do the things I wanted to do in my own life. I’ve shifted my thinking around food and cleansed not only my body but also my mind, which helped me focus more on my own personal goals.
I highly recommend doing this program – you’ll be provided with recipes and instructions to turn your life and health around.”
Susan Spangler, Maryland, USA
“I truly enjoyed this course. I have more mental clarity and with a lot less anxiety and tensions. I lost 8 pounds without really looking for this outcome. It just happened and I love this result.
What I am most proud of is the lowering of my blood pressure, from 159/93 to a 116/70. My doctor was super impressed and was asking me about it. Thanks for creating this plan!”
Brunilda Santiago, Texas, USA
The truth is we could charge $540 for this Weight On Point program. Our clients have been able to experience amazing results with it.
Once it’s done, you have the combination of delicious meals, nutritional strategies and other important tools to make sure you’re not wasting your time doing diets that just don’t work.
But we also know that maybe in the past you’ve been burned by bad experiences.
And maybe you aren’t 100% sure if you like or trust us yet…
So we’re making

Instead of pricing it at $540… or even $197…
today, we’re practically giving it away for

Because we know for a fact, that your body will LOVE all the highly effective, delicious, easy to consume resources that will completely transform the way you eat and feel … and leave you overjoyed with clear cut strategies and a very practical blueprint for weight loss that are about to be delivered to you.
You’ll get all the workshops, plus the done-for-you meal plans, shopping lists, detox plan, guides and special bonuses for less than you’d pay for a meal out.
At the end of it, you’ll have the resources and the exact plan you need to shed excess weight, eat delicious food and maintain a slim body year in and year out!

- Plant Foods Nutrition Formula: Step-by-step plan for implementing the RIGHT plant foods lifestyle plan
- (Valued at $129)
- On Point Weight Loss Formula: How our clients drop pounds of excess weight in just weeks
- (Valued at $129)
- Weight On Point vegan Meal Plan + Shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- High raw foods menu plan + shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- 3-Day Green Smoothie Detox Plan And Shopping List
- (Valued at $47)
- Plan-Your-Own Weekly Meal Guide
- (Valued at $37)
- Food Replacement Chart
- (Valued at $47)
- Ebook: 2 Minute Salad Dressings
- (Valued at $37)
Total Value = $540
Today’s Offer = $67

We’re 100% confident you’re going to love Weight On Point. You’re getting access to the system we’ve developed and used with hundreds of our clients over the last 10 years.
And here’s what’s important to know: you have to do the work and implement what you learn. This is how you’ll see results as we’re sure you know that by doing nothing, nothing will change …
We can’t promise specific figures because it would be wrong of us to make such promises. In saying that, our clients typically lose 15-20 pounds in 60 days.
What we CAN promise you, is that you’ll have our exact system … our unique step-by-step process that has worked for hundreds of our clients and thousands or our customers to achieve amazing weight changes faster than ever before.
However, if you’ve implemented the plan and can show it to us via the meal logs and are not 100% satisfied, we will offer a full refund if the request is made within 7 days of purchase.
Why do it now rather than next week?
If the latest crisis wasn’t a wake up call for you, we don’t know what would be.
Life can change and it can change quickly if you make that choice.
The time to take action is NOW
Move forward with this weight and nutrition transformation

before it’s too late.
Now is not the time for hesitation.
Now is the time for action.
You’re the one to help your body finally look and feel amazing! You’re the one who can …

Have through the roof energy levels and a zest for life … feeling 10-20 years younger!

Finally take control over your body and weight … otherwise no one else will!

puts you in the

Don’t leave your health to chance. And most certainly, don’t wait another day.
The longer you wait to fix this problem, the more it will cost as you continue to get heavier and experience more health consequences.
No need to take that route. It’s been done too many times. Time to go in a new direction.
We want to help you address that weight problem

And we can help you do that with

You’ll get our workshops, done-for-you meal plans, shopping lists, plus the four awesome bonuses for less than it costs for an Uber Eats delivery!

- Plant Foods Nutrition Formula: Step-by-step plan for implementing the RIGHT plant foods lifestyle plan
- (Valued at $129)
- On Point Weight Loss Formula: How our clients drop pounds of excess weight in just weeks
- (Valued at $129)
- Weight On Point vegan Meal Plan + Shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- High raw foods menu plan + shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- 3-Day Green Smoothie Detox Plan And Shopping List
- (Valued at $47)
- Plan-Your-Own Weekly Meal Guide
- (Valued at $37)
- Food Replacement Chart
- (Valued at $47)
- Ebook: 2 Minute Salad Dressings
- (Valued at $37)
Total Value = $540
Today’s Offer = $67

“What an awesome course! If you want to eat super healthy without having to think about it (or plan it), this program has it all.
The meals are delicious and simple to make, everything is laid out for you (all you need to do is make it and eat it), and you’ll get sparkling results.
Nothing will make you feel and look as good as loading up on fruits and vegetables!”
Natasha St. Michael, USA
I’m Slim, Fit, Strong And Happy

“I am a personal trainer and I absolutely love my job. But unfortunately, after losing my dad and coming to emotional eating, I gained a lot of weight. I felt that I had to quit my job as a personal trainer and find less meaningful work elsewhere. After months of struggling with low self esteem, I found Rawsomehealthy.
Yulia motivated me to get on a healthy path and re-ignited my passion for health and nutrition.
I lost 25 lbs, I’m back to doing personal training again, I’m slim, fit strong and happy. I can’t thank Paul and Yulia enough”
Katie Gurden, Essex, UK
Frequently Asked Questions About Weight On Point
I’m really out of shape – will this work for me?
This course is a great fit for you, just like it’s a great fit for people who are looking to lose that stubborn 10-20 lbs.
With every week, you can get slimmer, stronger and healthier. Plus, you can fit this plan into any schedule to help you keep fit and healthy for life.
Do I have to buy supplements?
Not as part of this course, we’ll focus on getting your diet and nutrition right. And as you might know your diet plays a MASSIVE role when it comes to your health and weight. Together we’re going to eat clean, whole, plant foods, and nurture a healthy mindset.
When you start to feel good and look good, you’ll want to do this for the rest of your life!
Who does this NOT work for?
People who are not ready to implement the plant foods lifestyle plan and reclaim their healthy body and power back. It’s IDEAL for those who are looking to change that.
How fast can I expect to see results?
From our experience of serving thousands of customers and hundreds of clients, most of our clients notice changes in a matter of DAYS of implementing this lifestyle, despite years of struggle. Many of our coaching clients typically lose 20-30 lbs in just weeks, for as long as they are ready and willing to commit to the process.
What kind of support can I get if I become stuck?
Our training is created in an easy to follow, step-by-step model that’s clear and simple. No need to get lost, stuck or confused.
I’ve never followed a plant foods lifestyle plan before, will this teach me the basics of getting started?
Yes and yes! Everything is shown in a clear, simple and step-by-step way and even a newbie can do it. Meal plans are already done-for-you, shopping lists are included, the only way to do it is to do it!
What kind of meals are included in your program? Are they simple to make?
Delicious and very easy to make recipes. We use only easy to find ingredients to make your life simple. We share 100% vegan and whole food recipes that are low in fat.
Are your recipes gluten free?
Yes, all of them! They are also oil, soy, processed sugar and salt free.
Are your meal plans high carb? Low carb?
Low carb diets are unsafe. They can wreck your hormones and can cause long-term health problems. Many long-lived cultures on our planet lived on a high carbohydrate and plant-based diet. This is something that you’ll learn about inside our course as well, we’ve made it easy for you!
Do your meals include calorie amounts?
Yes! Each meal includes the calories and we’ve also calculated the overall daily calories and macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein and fat) ratio for each day. Plus, you’ll be eating highly nutritious whole food calories, vs processed and empty ones.
I’m pregnant/nursing. Can I follow your course?
I (Yulia) followed a high carb plant foods lifestyle while pregnant, experienced a glowing pregnancy, and gave birth naturally to a very healthy and alert child. I breastfed our daughter for many years. Pregnancy is not the time to make radical changes to your diet. However it’s a great time to increase your consumption of whole plant foods, which you’ll learn about in this program! It can only benefit you and your baby’s health, plus your breast milk will become more nutritious.
How long will I have access to this course?
24/7/365, with lifetime access – it’s all yours to keep once you’ve joined!
Will anything be shipped to me?
No, this is a fully digital course, meaning that you can get access to all the resources in just minutes!
Is there a money back guarantee?
We want people to own and commit to their transformation and we know that if you follow it through, you’ll benefit from it tremendously. Who doesn’t want more energy, balanced hormones and a glowing body, whilst eating delicious, super healthy foods? In saying that, if you show that you’ve implemented our plan, but it didn’t work for you, you’ll get a full refund, providing you ask for it within 7 days of purchase.
Are you ready to finally say hello to your new, light, fit and attractive body?
With the right, science proven plan that has already helped thousands of our customers and hundreds of our clients with exact strategies that can literally be the difference between a thriving, healthy body and one that struggles…
Your nutrition and lifestyle don’t have to be a source of anxiety and uncertainty when you use the Weight On Point Plan.
Finally Lost 15 Lbs After Failing Many Times Before

“Before I started working with Paul, I had fatigue and low motivation to do anything.
I was overweight and I thought I was too old to lose weight at 59 and I’ve tried several diets in the past with no success.
After working with Paul, I experienced more energy I’m very motivated to get outside and walk, run. I don’t need an alarm clock to wake me up. During the program with Paul, I lost over 15 lbs.
The best thing about my new lifestyle is the simplicity of it all, I travel a lot and I’m not worried about food at all.
I visited Canada last month and had no issues staying on track.
Now, after the program I continue to lose weight, my skin is glowing and my kids and husband all said I look younger and very healthy.”
Hazel Roberts, USA
Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days, Reversed Diabetes

“When I came to work with Paul and Yulia, I was 100 lbs overweight, with long-term type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health issues.
9 days after I switched to the new lifestyle plan, my blood sugar went down from 160 to 110.
I was eating a high fruit and carbohydrate diet and for the first time in years my blood sugar levels were dropping.
After 6 weeks, my blood sugar dropped to 98 – the lowest it’s been … forever! My doctor took me off some of my medications.
My energy levels had gone through the roof and my skin started to glow. After 90 days, I lost 30 pounds. My blood pressure and resting pulse were now both perfect. My high cholesterol levels had dropped.
I feel like I have a new life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Judy Paps, USA
Let’s Get This Party Started!

- Plant Foods Nutrition Formula: Step-by-step plan for implementing the RIGHT plant foods lifestyle plan
- (Valued at $129)
- On Point Weight Loss Formula: How our clients drop pounds of excess weight in just weeks
- (Valued at $129)
- Weight On Point vegan Meal Plan + Shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- High raw foods menu plan + shopping list
- (Valued at $67)
- 3-Day Green Smoothie Detox Plan And Shopping List
- (Valued at $47)
- Plan-Your-Own Weekly Meal Guide
- (Valued at $37)
- Food Replacement Chart
- (Valued at $47)
- Ebook: 2 Minute Salad Dressings
- (Valued at $37)
Total Value = $540
Today’s Offer = $67

Copyright © by Rawsomehealthy/Vibe With Health. All Rights Reserved.
Dislcaimer: People who shared their testimonies did whatever it takes to restore their health – they took action, followed things through and were committed and coachable. We cannot guarantee that you can achieve the same results on your own.
This program is not a substitute for medical advice. The information provided in or through our Website, Programs, Products and Services is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own Medical Provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other health professional), Mental Health Provider (including psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker), registered dietitian, or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy. We are not doctors. Communication with us is not a substitute for professional medical advice.