5 Surprising Foods To Stop Eating Immediately

Today you’ll discover 5 foods to stop eating in your diet. These foods can negatively affect your health, promote cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and hormone imbalances. So if you’re eating any of these 5 foods on a day-to-day basis, what you’ll discover in this video will help you move towards better options. 5 Foods To Stop Eating Immediately Now, what if I told you that the persistent skin issues that you are currently…

How to Fix Your Hormones and Lose Weight

Wondering how to fix your hormones and lose weight naturally without carbohydrate and calorie restriction? Struggling with weight loss is an increasingly common problem among the American people as a whole. You’ve tried it all. The diets that promise weight loss in less than a month and even hit the treadmill with conviction for months. Yet, the unwanted belly fat and flabby arms still persist. You can’t help but wonder: “What it is you’re…

Anti-Candida Diet: Exactly How Much Fruit Can You Eat With Candida?

If you’ve ever followed the anti-candida diet, I’m sure you’ve heard that you have to severely limit your carbs, including fruit. Is this actually true? This is what I talk about in detail in my video today. Anti-Candida Diet And How Much Fruit Can You Eat? When you have a candida overgrowth, you need to take the correct steps to balance it as quickly as possible. Candida can lead to more serious health issues that can start developing in…

Anti-Candida Diet Myths And What To Eat Instead

Do you need the anti-candida diet to beat your candida overgrowth and follow a candida diet meal plan? Is sugar really to blame for your candida? There are so many myths out there regarding candida which is a fungus that lives both inside and on your body. The problem is not that you have candida but that it has overgrown to the point it has become a problem for your body. This can happen for a variety of reasons. If you have ever suffered from…

Leaky Gut: Causes, Symptoms And How To Overcome It

Can a leaky gut damage your health? How do you diagnose it and can you overcome a leaky gut naturally? A leaky gut, or what is also known as increased intestinal permeability, is when the lining of your gut starts allowing partially digested food, bacteria and toxins into your bloodstream. The problem with this is that once this happens it can then cause your body to attack these unwanted intruders and lead to inflammation and potentially a…

Is The Candida Diet Healthy … Or Can It Harm Your Health?

Is the Candida diet healthy … or should you avoid it because it can damage your health? Candida is a fungus that naturally lives inside the human body. It becomes problematic when its levels go out of balance. The reasoning used for doing the candida diet is that sugar feeds your Candida overgrowth. Thus, you need to starve the Candida by greatly limiting sugar in your diet. But this can lead to all manner of health problems. Yes,…

How much fat is too much fat?

Do you believe that for as long as your fat is plant-based, and not animal-based, it is safe for you to consume as much as you like? If so, you might change your mind after reading this article. What is fat and what role does it play in our bodies? Fat is an essential macronutrient for the body and has a number of very important functions: • Can be used as an alternative source of energy for the body if blood sugar is not available (i.e during…

Top 5 Superfoods That Are A Waste Of Your Money

There are so many so called superfoods out there. Yes, they do promise some amazing benefits, however, in fact, they are ineffective, harmful and are a waste of your money. So today we are covering 5 such superfoods. Here is our video about it:   5 Superfoods That Waste Your Money 1. Spirulina. Spirulina is touted as having a high nutrient content, as well as containing all the essential amino acids and even vitamin B12. But do you…

Why The Anti Candida Diet Is Bad For Your Candida And Your Health

Many people still follow the anti-candida diet to rid themselves of their candida overgrowth and the reasoning people use to follow this diet kind of diet is that sugar supposedly feeds a candida overgrowth. This then means that you must starve the candida by greatly limiting your sugar intake which of course means your carbohydrate intake. So instead of eating plenty of healthy whole food carbohydrates, including fruits, you start eating lots…

Top 7 Myths About Sugar, Fruit And Fructose … Debunked!

We live in a world of sugar phobia where many people are afraid of sugar and fruit. So let’s dissolve the 7 popular myths about sugar! In this video I bust the top 7 myths about sugar and fruit. 7 Myths About Sugar, Fruit And Fructose …. Debunked Myth 1: Sugar is sugar and it’s bad for you … period! One of the common myths about sugar is that just because it’s “sugar”, it’s automatically bad for you. It doesn’t matter if we’re…