Have you ever heard of a “liver flush” or “gallstone cleanse”? Considering doing it? This article found you at the right time! Today, we will look into what actually causes […]
How Many Calories To Eat For Weight Loss On The 80/10/10 Diet
Following the previous video related to the issue of weight gain on the 80/10/10 diet, we have received a number of questions asking about how many calories you need to […]
Why You Gained Weight On The 80/10/10 Diet
Although the majority of people achieve high levels of success with weight loss on the 80/10/10 raw vegan diet, there is a small percentage of people who cannot release weight […]
How To Look And Feel 10 Years Younger With A Raw Food Diet
In this video Paul shares the main reasons why he is enjoying great health and fitness at the age of 40 years old. Find out how switching to a raw […]
How To Shop For Raw Foods When Traveling Abroad
What do you do when you travel abroad on a raw food diet? How do you shop for fresh produce when you get to a foreign country? This video features […]
Interview With Raw Vegan, 80/10/10 Powerlifter Mike Vlasaty
Can you grow muscle and lift heavy weights on a high fruit raw vegan diet? Where does the protein come from on this diet? In this interview Mike Vlasaty, a […]
How Much Fruit To Eat On A Raw Vegan Diet?
In this video, I talk about how much fruit you need to be eating on a fruit-based raw vegan diet, or the 80/10/10 diet. I show you an example of one […]
One Day Raw Vegan 80/10/10 Diet Menu Sample
There has never been a better time to switch to a low fat raw food diet, so today you’ll discover a one day 80/10/10 diet menu plan. Eating healthfully does […]