Garlic: healthy for your body or a harmful poison?

Is garlic a health food or is it actually a poison to your body?

You might well reason that people have been using it for many generations without any negative health effects and you would on the surface appear to be right.

However, there is much evidence that points to it as being unnecessary for your body.

In this article, we will look at various aspects of garlic, including the supposed health benefits, what it actually does to the human body, and why you should actually avoid using it, in either its cooked or raw form.

History of garlic

Garlic is a plant species in the onion genus, allium and its close relatives include the leek, onion, rakkyo, shallot and chive.

It originated in Asia and has been used by humans for many thousands of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

It is often used to flavour dishes and is much touted for its supposed health benefits by many, including vegans, vegetarians and indeed many raw foodists.

Supposed health benefits

There have been a number of studies conducted on the supposed health benefits from garlic consumption and these have found that garlic has

  •        Ability to lower blood pressure (1)
  •        Ability to lower blood cholesterol (1)
  •        Has natural antimicrobial effect against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites (2)

Garlic: Health Food Or Poison?

Other benefits

It has long been known to avid gardeners that garlic is a potent natural pesticide. Placing it alongside plants that you want to protect from pests or using it in a natural pesticide spray are proven ways to protect your plants.

It should be noted that no animal or insect eats it and this is due to the allicin in it, which gives it that well-known pungent taste and odour and is the plants defence mechanisms against potential predators.

Why garlic is a poison

Pregnant women and breast feeding mothers. 

Pregnant women and those that suckle their babies with their own breast milk should avoid garlic altogether as it has been noted to play a role in accidental abortions as well as altering the suckling behaviour of infants (3).

These facts alone should make us seriously question whether it should be considered in any way healthy for humans.
Skin irritation.

Garlic is a rubefacient substance, which when applied directly to the surface of the skin as an oil will cause redness/swelling (inflammation), which is the body’s attempt to try and isolate the irritating (toxic) substance so that it cannot do any more damage to the body.

People have even been known to suffer from burns due to applying it for various reasons including the control of acne (4).

Brain effects. 

A physicist by the name of Dr. Robert C Beck, DSc, gave a lecture at the Whole Life Expo, in March 1996 in the US and talked about why garlic is actually toxic to the human body.

He said that it contains a substance which can penetrate the blood-brain barrier/corpus callosum in the brain, and is a poison for higher-life forms and brain cells (5).

He also related an account of when he was working in flight test engineering in the 1950’s and how the flight surgeon would come around and remind everyone not to touch any garlic 72 hours before they flew because it would double or even triple their reaction times (5).

Garlic blocks spiritual growth?

There are many spiritual/religious groups that have long recognized the negative effects that garlic has upon the human body.

Hindus avoid it due to believing it brings about negative effects upon the human body including bad body odour, bad breath, agitation and aggression.

Even though it is used in Chinese culture, garlic is still considered a harmful substance to various parts of the body and is believed to cause scattered energy and dizziness.

The consumption of garlic is also known by many yoga groups to negatively interfere with the practice of meditation.
Personal experience.

In the past, both Yulia and I would have eaten garlic.

I can remember eating it and the spacey feeling it would sometimes give me afterwards, not to mention the horrid, embarrassing odour that would taint my every breath and quite literally come out of the pores of my skin.

Yulia would notice the effect of garlic on her digestion and also didn’t like waking up in the middle of the night from the taste of garlic in her month and its unpleasant odour.

Since we changed to a raw vegan diet, we noticed how very strong flavours such as those found with garlic and onions did not appeal to us anymore.

It would seem our body’s began to point blank refuse to indulge us due to the very strong odour and taste, and now quite frankly even just the thought of smelling garlic on somebody’s breath repels us.

Every meal and mouthful of whole foods that we eat now offer us differing flavours and smells and these would be completely extinguished if we added onions or garlic.

For us now it is just not an option, as if we have grown out of eating it as we have done with many other supposedly healthy foods.

Natural, when it comes to garlic, does not automatically equate to it being beneficial for humans to consume.

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1) Ackermann  RT, Mulrow  CD, Ramirez  G, Gardner  CD, Morbidoni  L, Lawrence  VA.  Garlic shows promise for improving some cardiovascular risk factors.  Arch Intern Med.  2001;161:813–24.
 2) Murray MT. The healing power of herbs: the enlightened person’s guide to the wonders of medicinal plants. 2d ed. Rocklin, Calif.: Prima, 1995.
3) Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. Herbal Medicines. 2nd edition. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2002.
4) Baruchin A.M, Sagi A, Yoffe B, Ronen M  (November 2001). ‘Garlic burns’. p781–2.
5) From a lecture by physicist Dr. Robert C Beck, DSc, given at the Whole Life Expo, Seattle, WA, USA, in March 1996.

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6 thoughts on “Garlic: healthy for your body or a harmful poison?

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Hi Andrea, yes, occasionally eat and enjoy chives, but have not had any green onions for a long time. If you are ok with them, then I don’t see a problem. You did say that you eat the occasionally, which is definitely not a problem at all.

  •   Ana  |   

    I haven’t read such negative statements about alcohol as I am reading here about garlic – the plant that has the potential to threaten the pharmaceutical industry.


    Most bacteria in your BODY needs to be there ….killing pathogens is a diffrent story ….. is Garlic good for .
    The answer is both are true.

    G VAZQUEZ ceo

    •   VerticalFreedom the Vegan  |   

      Let Plants be thy Medicine & Medicine by thy Food! Note: Garlic & Onion are Plants!

  •   Binod Kumar  |   

    I think garlic and onions are definitely a slow poison for human . I have quit due to some religious reason for few days and I realised how detrimental these are for us. I have quit Garlic and onions for the whole life.

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