What you really need to know about organic versus conventional produce. Part 1.

by Paul Tarbath With the recent and very much publicized study by scientists at the American Stanford University (1) saying that there isn’t much difference ‘health value wise’ choosing between organic and conventionally farmed produce, I thought it a pertinent time to delve deeper into this much debated subject area and try and uncover the real truth. Does eating organic produce just simply cost you more money for the same…

Thyroid Antibodies: Why You Still Have Hashimoto’s

Thyroid antibodies – exactly what can you do if they are high? High thyroid antibodies, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroid disease, is an auto-immune disease. If left untreated over a long enough period of time, high thyroid antibodies can cause permanent damage to your thyroid gland. This means that you’ll need to take thyroid replacement medication for the rest of your life. So what can you do about your thyroid antibodies if…

Candida Diet: Probiotics, Carbs, How Long A Candida Cleanse Takes

If you’re following a Candida diet, should you take probiotics? How many carbs should you eat and how long will it take for you to restore Candida with a largely raw food diet plan? We get a lot of questions from people looking to restore their Candida overgrow and do a Candida cleanse. So today, we want to answer some of your questions. You’ll often hear that it’s the anti-candida diet plan which is supposed to starve and…

Hypothyroidism Weight Loss- Before & After Story

Hypothyroidism weight loss may seem like an impossible dream, with you feeling like you gain weight just by looking at food. When you have hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down. Instead of burning calories easily, your body starts turning them into body fat and this is why you start gaining weight, which can also lead to other serious health challenges. Inflammation, estrogen dominance, fatigue, other hormonal imbalances – these are…

Hypothyroidism vs Hashimoto’s: What’s The Difference?

What’s the difference between hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s? Understanding this can help you achieve a lot of progress with your thyroid health. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland is under active and so not producing enough thyroid hormones. In the vast majority of cases, hypothyroidism is a result of having Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. In the case of Hashimotos, which is an autoimmune disease, antibodies attack proteins in the…

How I Cured Candida In 3 Days – Q&As

Is it really possible to overcome Candida imbalances eating a fruit-based lifestyle plan? ⁠⁠ A while ago, I created a video where I shared how I balanced my symptoms of Candida in a matter of days WITHOUT the anti-Candida diet, eating ALL the fruit I cared for. ⁠⁠ Since then, the video went viral and it has inspired tens of thousands of people to discover an alternative way to overcoming their Candida issues … along with fatigue, gut…

About Yulia Tarbath and Paul Tarbath

Hi, we are Paul Tarbath and Yulia Tarbath and we’re both Certified Holistic Health And Nutrition Coaches with 10+ years of experience. We help women who have hormonal and gut issues, including hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, PCOS, Candida and others who are feeling fatigued, stuck and frustrated with lack of results and no longer want to accept pain and suffering a minute longer, overcome their challenges naturally without endless doctor…

Hormonal Imbalances That Cause Anxiety And Depression

Both anxiety and depression are more complex than most people think and they are not always a psychological issue that’s just “in your head”. In fact, hormonal imbalances can often cause these issues. Anxiety can paralyze you, stealing your joy and passion for life. When anxiety and depression dominates your life, you can find yourself in a very dark place with low confidence levels and a compromised quality of life. Here are…

3 Biggest Candida Diet Mistakes When Treating A Candida Overgrowth

Are you making these 3 big Candida diet mistakes when addressing your Candida overgrowth? Most people do … and I was when I was following a traditional anti-Candida diet. So in my video and blog today, I’m going to be diving into the 3 biggest Candida diet mistakes that you want to avoid. 3 Big Candida Diet Mistakes The first Candida diet mistake that people make is following a traditional anti-Candida diet where you have to…

How To Heal Candida With Fruit – Yeast Infection Detox

Suffering from a candida overgrowth, or yeast infection can be a very unpleasant health issue to deal with. Weight gain, thrush, allergies, fatigue, skin issues – these are just some of the symptoms of Candida. And what do you typically hear when you want to heal Candida? “Remove all the sugar from your diet as it feeds Candida and go on an “anti-Candida”, low carb diet instead!” Well, this kind of advice is fundamentally wrong, as I explain in…