The Plant Foods Road Map For Overcoming Autoimmune Disease

The National Institutes of Health in the US estimates up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease. (1) Others think this figure is way too conservative, and instead put the figure at around 50 million people in the US alone. A big problem with autoimmune disease is that if you already suffer with an autoimmune disease, then you are much more likely to develop other additional autoimmune diseases. As well as this, there is a…

Fruitarian Raw Vegan For 30 Years Reveals His Mistakes And Lessons Learnt

We first met Dr Robert Lockhart at the Woodstock Fruit Festival in the US and then we spent some time with him when we lived in Australia. He has been a fruitarian and raw vegan for nearly 30 years and at 70 years of age he looks and acts way younger than his actual years. Today, we share with you an exclusive interview with Dr Robert Lockhart, where he reveals the details of his 30-year fruitarian raw vegan journey. You will discover: • Why…

Vegan Diet Weight Loss – Exactly How Much Should You Eat?

If you want to achieve vegan diet weight loss, exactly how much do you need to eat? You know about a vegan diet weight loss plan and want to lose 10-50lbs with a plant foods lifestyle, but don’t know how much to eat. Do you need to have smaller portion sizes and eat off smaller plates and really exercise a lot at the gym? Calories matter, yet you don’t have to starve yourself. You need to have enough calories (fuel) to function well. If…

What We Eat – High Raw Vegan For 10 Years

What do we eat in a day on a high raw vegan diet plan? What do you need to pay attention to in order to balance your hormones, reverse gut issues and stay lean and vibrant year in and year out? Eating a diet that is full of whole plant foods, high in raw foods and low in fat is ideal for human health. When you exclude animal products from your diet and junky processed foods that are packed full of unhealthy and unbalanced ingredients, you…

Gut Health Foods – Eat These Foods To Restore Your Digestive Health

Gut health foods what are they and what typically happens when someone suffers from gut problems. Many people don’t know what gut health foods are and if they start suffering from gut problems they normally start changing what foods they eat. Maybe you have gut issues and you firstly try limiting or avoiding certain foods, like gluten. Yet, excluding gluten alone won’t fix gut health problems. You can find that your gut problems persist…

Why Dr. McDougall Is Mistaken About The Raw Food Diet

Dr. McDougall made several videos about the raw food diet, where he claimed that this way of eating is not for humans and is not sustainable and satiating. In case if you don’t know who Dr. John McDougall, M.D., is, he’s a well-known and well-respected nutrition expert who advocates a whole foods, low fat, plant diet based on starches, like potatoes and grains. We ourselves very much respect his work and his tremendous contribution towards…

The Best Gut Health Diet To Rebuild Your Gut Microbiome

What is the best gut health diet to help you build your gut microbiome? If you want to balance your hormones, lose some excess weight, and have better energy levels, balancing your gut health is going to be key to your health restoration. A healthy gut has a major impact on your overall health, including your hormones, weight, and energy levels. Can your diet have any significant effect on how healthy or unhealthy your gut is? Your gut…

Food Combining Tips For Eating Fruit For Optimum Digestion & High Energy

…Food combining is a very important aspect of health. Whether your goal is to improve digestion, gain energy, achieve weight loss, or feel great, food combining is something you need to be aware of. In this video Yulia goes through food combining with regards to fruit, explaining what fruits combines with what other fruits. httpv://…

10-Minute Home Full Body Workout To Burn Calories Fast

Do you have just 10 minutes today for this beginner to advanced full body workout? Today I have got a personal trainer, Ted Carr, with me who has created super effective fat and calorie blasting set of exercises to help you speed up your metabolism. No equipment or gym is required to do this workout, as you will be using the power of your own body! Ted recommends that you repeat this workout either two times per week or a maximum of three….

Practical Ways To Incorporate Greens & Salads Into Your Kids’ Diet

In a world that offers such a huge variety of unhealthy food choices, many health-conscious parents face a constant struggle to incorporate even just some healthful foods into their children’s diet.   With fast food outlets holding a large presence in seemingly every shopping mall, with grocery stores stocking aisle after aisle of chemical filled processed foods, milkshakes or cheesy pizza specials on offer, is it any wonder that so…