Why I Started Adding Some Cooked Food After Being Raw Vegan

I started my raw food diet journey back in 2009, together with Paul. It has benefited my body tremendously and I healed a lot of health issues I couldn’t heal on other diets. Cooked food was not something I had on my radar. Why I Started Adding Some Cooked Food To My Raw Food Diet When I got pregnant 4 years into my high-fruit and low-fat raw vegan diet, I began to have cravings for cooked starches and vegetables. I craved simple bland…

Can Cruciferous Vegetables Damage Your Thyroid?

Can cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage, damage your thyroid? Many people regard them as really healthy foods in terms of the many plant nutrients that they contain. However, some health advocates will warn you against the eating of cruciferous vegetables if you have any thyroid issues. So what exactly is the truth with regards to the relationship between cruciferous vegetable and thyroid conditions? What are…

How These Everyday Toxins Affect Your Thyroid

If you currently suffer with thyroid problems, or want to prevent them, then you definitely will need to exclude these popular toxins that can affect your thyroid and hormones. I share more in my today’s video: How These Everyday Toxins Affect Your Thyroid One of the toxins that can affect your thyroid is fluoride. Fluoride is found in many public water supplies and is added to supposedly help prevent tooth cavities. Many types of…

4 Issues With Raw Till 4 Diet You Need To Be Aware Of

There are 4 big issues with the raw till 4 diet. Although this diet will promise you weigh loss and health transformation, it’s important to be aware of the areas that we will cover in this blog post. Here is the video that talks about it: 4 Issues With The Raw Till 4 Diet It is not that we are against the raw till 4 lifestyle – it certainly is way healthier than most diets out there, including vegan ones, however there are some aspects…

Top Tips For A Healthy And Successful Raw Vegan Pregnancy

Today I am going to give you my top tips for a healthy and successful raw vegan or vegan pregnancy. Having been through a healthy pregnancy myself, I am here to give you my top tips on how to get through this magical event in life if you are on a raw or vegan plan. Here is my video about it: Before your raw vegan or vegan pregnancy A very important aspect of becoming pregnant is to prepare yourself beforehand. This means some 6 to 9 months…

Сыроедение и Здоровье – Юлия Тарбат

“Вы хотели бы узнать о сыроедении как о природном способе при помощи которого можно восстановить своё здоровье, очистить организм, обрести здоровый вес и испытать океан энергии?” Тогда добро пожаловать! Да, действительно сыроедение является одним из самых оптимальных и натуральных путей очищения организма, исцеления болезней, обретения здорового веса и общего баланса жизни. Система о которой вы сейчас узнаете открывает новую главу…

Garlic: healthy for your body or a harmful poison?

Is garlic a health food or is it actually a poison to your body? You might well reason that people have been using it for many generations without any negative health effects and you would on the surface appear to be right. However, there is much evidence that points to it as being unnecessary for your body. In this article, we will look at various aspects of garlic, including the supposed health benefits, what it actually does to the human…

Healthy Skin Diet Tips – Glowing Skin Secrets

The secret to having glowing skin is actually much simpler than you think. The solution to clear, healthy and glowing skin is not about using gimmicks, special products, powders or even botox injections. It’s to do with nutrition. In this video, I explain more: The US beauty and cosmetics industry, which is the biggest in the world and made over $60 billion in 2016, is a good example of how much value people place on how they look. People…

Hormone Imbalance Diet Plan: High Carb Or High Fat?

If you’re searching for the best hormone imbalance diet plan, you might be wondering if you should eat a high-fat or a high-carb diet. Now, hormones play a vital role in our health. They communicate messages that tell our bodies how to develop and how to keep bodily processes on track. Hormones influence your metabolism, libido, weight, and even the way you handle stress. They are so important that when you have hormonal imbalances, this can…

Thyroid Weight Loss Diet And Why It’s Not A Keto Diet

Are you concerned about your thyroid health and your excess weight and want to learn about what the best thyroid weight loss diet is? If you thyroid gland is working too slowly and so not producing enough hormones you will almost certainly notice that you gain excess weight very easily and then can’t get rid of it. If this in itself is not worrying enough then there are all the other undesirable symptoms that come along with hypothyroidism and…