How Much Fruit Is Too Much Fruit? And How Many Veggies?

Wondering how much fruit is too much fruit and how many veggies you should be eating? You’ve probably heard about the recommendation to eat 5 portions of fruits and veggies every day. But what if you eat more than that? Is it actually possible to end up eating too much fruit? And how about veggies? Discover all in today’s video: How Much Fruit Is Too Much Fruit? And How Many Veggies?? Forget about “5 portions of fruits and…

Thyroid And Weight Loss: Take These Steps To Lose Weight

Concerned about thyroid and weight loss? If your thyroid gland is sluggish and not producing enough hormones, then you will almost certainly notice that you put on weight very easily and keep it on. And if this isn’t bad enough, then you will almost certainly have to deal with some or even all of the other unwanted symptoms that go along with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. These low thyroid symptoms can include: Brain fog Fatigue Pain…

Is Your Protein Messing Up Your Hormones And Health?

Could the protein that you eat be messing up your hormones and health? You’ve probably heard it over and over again – in order to balance your hormones, lose weight and overcome other health challenges, you need to switch to a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Yet, could these be the very diets that are causing you serious health challenges? We talk about it in this video: Is Your Protein Messing Up Your Hormones And Health?…

Vitamin K2 On A Raw Vegan Diet

Do you want to learn more about vitamin K2 on a raw vegan diet? Vitamin K2 is a fairly recently discovered ‘form’ of vitamin K that is now known to be required to activate not only certain proteins in the body for cell growth, but also to make sure that the mineral calcium is transported to where it is actually required in the body, such as the bones and the teeth. So what are the risks involved with having vitamin K2 deficiencies? Well, there…

Intermittent Fasting – One HUGE Mistake People Make

Do you make this HUGE mistake when it comes to intermittent fasting? Many people do and in my video today I wanted to talk about it. Watch the video here: What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is when you fast for around 16 out of 24 hours and then have a smaller window to eat your meals in. Now, there are certainly benefits to intermittent fasting. Paul and I have been practicing it for years ourselves and it feels great feeling…

Adrenal Fatigue Before And After With 15Lbs Weight Loss In 8 Weeks

Today, we’ve got a very special story about Lisabeth’s adrenal fatigue before and after and her 15 lbs weight loss in just 8 weeks. When Lisabeth came to us, she was experiencing severe adrenal fatigue. She had been sick for 12 years and bed ridden with adrenal fatigue for 1 year. She was also overweight, experiencing aching joints and muscles. Her mood was low and she wasn’t able to do a lot of things because she had no…

Dramatic 120lbs raw food weight loss and health recovery before and after story

Raw food diet has helped Victoria Everett to release 120lbs, heal schizophrenia and many other health issues. Today, she is sharing her raw food before and after weight loss story. – Please tell us a bit about yourself. How old are you, where do you live, and what do you do? I am 41 years old. I live in Boise, Idaho, USA and I clean houses and businesses for money, but that is not all I do 🙂 My passion is gardening and growing my own…

Debunking The Collagen Myth

Collagen … those amazing benefits for your skin that you hear about. Bone broth, collagen supplements – what if you don’t need any of it though? So what exactly is collagen? Collagen is a protein and it’s actually the most abundant protein in the human body. Why is it so important? Collagen is needed for your skin to give it its elasticity, which helps you look younger and more glowing. That’s one of the reasons why so much is made about this…

How To Plan Your Raw Vegan Grocery List

How do you plan your raw vegan grocery list if you want to eat an all raw or high raw meal plan? Today I’m going to explain a step-by-step strategy for creating your shopping list for the week ahead. Step 1: First things first, I’d like you to do this very simple exercise after watching the video: write down your favourite fruits and vegetables that you really love eating and that you can easily get hold of now. It’s very important for you to…

How My Eyes Changed On A Raw Food Vegan Diet

Today Yulia talks about how she improved her natural beauty through the use of a raw food vegan diet, which has allowed her body to detox itself. You will discover: – How Yulia got rid of the dark circles under her eyes after her raw food detox, – Why she no longer suffers from puffy eyes, – How her eyes became bigger and brighter, – How she improved her natural beauty through a raw food diet, – How a raw food…