What We Eat On A High Raw Vegan Diet And Omega 3

We have been following a high raw vegan diet for well over 12 years now and we love the way this diet and lifestyle makes us look and feel. With a wide selection of fruits and vegetables that we include on our high raw vegan diet plan, like bananas, mangos, watermelons, lettuces, and many more it is ideal for your health, including high raw vegan diet weight loss, detox, and for many more vegan diet benefits. And with the current situation in…

How To Address Candida Diet Bloating

Why does a candida diet lead to so much bloating for a lot of people? It is estimated that about 1 billion people around the world suffer from skin, hair, or nail fungal infections yet many have no idea that it is linked to their gut health. Similarly, 70% of women will suffer from a vaginal fungal infection yet they most often do not associate their gut health with this kind of health problem. When candida, which is a type of fungus, goes out…

Candida Diet – The Best Way To Start It

If you have Candida Albicans, you would have come across the anti-candida diet. This meal plan excludes carbs, including whole-food carbs, and instead gets you to consume large amounts of fats and protein in an effort to help you balance your candida overgrowth. If you have followed our work over the last decade and more you will definitely know how we feel about consuming large amounts of fat in your meal plan – don’t do it! Science…

We Ate A Vegan Diet For 10 Years: Look What Happened To Us …

We ate a vegan diet for 10 years … what happened to us? And what do we eat now? Less carbs, more fat, more supplements and pills is not the best strategy for those who are looking to balance their hormones and gut issues, as well as achieve a healthy weight naturally. There was a time when I had thyroid imbalances, Hashimoto’s, PCOS, fertility issues, Candida and all the symptoms that come with these health challenges. I searched…

How I Cured Candida In 3 Days Without Any Carb And Fruit Restriction

Today I’m going to share with you my story about how I healed my Candida of 2 years in just 3 days WITHOUT restricting my fruit sugar and carbohydrates. If you’re experiencing bloating, fatigue, anxiety and skin issues – Candida could be the cause. Here’s the video where I talk more about it: FREE DOWNLOAD: 1-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CANDIDA DETOX PLAN What is Candida? Candida is a microbe that naturally lives in your body. It…

How I Healed PCOS And Hormones Naturally With Diet

If you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS, traditional doctors will tell you that there’s currently NO cure for it. Yet, I managed to heal Polycystic Ovary Syndrome naturally and today I’m sharing my story with you. How I healed Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/PCOS My period was irregular and very painful from the age of 12 and I was going to doctors and gynaecologists, tracking my basal…

My Vegan Diet Mistakes And Lessons After 9 Years On Plant And Raw Foods

Vegan diet mistakes are something that many people make when eating whole foods, vegan and raw food diets. I have been eating a fruit-based, high raw vegan diet for about 9 years now. Even though I have been eating what is a very healthy diet and which has given me so many great health benefits, I still made lots of vegan diet mistakes that you can and need to avoid, and I’ve also learnt many lessons that can help you. These popular vegan…

Before And After 40 Lbs Weight Loss, Candida And Fatigue Transformation

This is the before and after weight loss and health transformation you’re going to want to watch. Because in just 6 weeks, our client, Brittney, has released her stubborn weight (losing a total of 40 lbs – some before and some during our program). She balanced her Candida and embarrassing chronic yeast infection, cleared her skin and overcame fatigue. Brittney had her doubts about a high carb, high fruit lifestyle, especially after…

The Shocking Truth About Hashimoto’s – High Thyroid Antibodies

If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, it’s important to know what it can do to your body. After talking to one of my clients, I decided to make this video. When she got her results, her thyroid antibodies were extremely high – in the thousands, whereas the norm is up to 30. When her endocrinologist looked at her blood test results, she told her not to worry about her high thyroid anti-bodies and that there’s…

Incredible 70lbs High Carb Raw Vegan Weight Loss Transformation

I contacted Melissa Raimondi for an interview because she went through an incredible high carb raw vegan weight loss transformation and, along with that, also completely transformed her heath. Melissa Raimondi became a raw vegan for a number of reasons: health, ethics and the wider environment. So in this video she talks about her high carb raw vegan weight loss journey, with amazing before and after photos.   Melissa’s High Carb Raw…