Normal Bloodwork, But Feeling Terrible? This Could Be Why …

Recently, I talked to someone who had normal bloodwork, but felt extremely fatigued on a daily basis. Despite her bloodwork showing that she was “normal” and taking medication for her thyroid, she still had all the under active thyroid symptoms. These symptoms usually include extreme fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, slow movement and thoughts, constipation, muscle aches, irregular menstrual cycle, low libido … So how…

Healthy Foods That You Can Eat When Transitioning To A Raw Food Diet

There are 2 ways to switch to a raw food diet: go 100% raw “cold turkey” or transition to it at a more gradual pace. For some people it is much easier for them to go 100% raw overnight, whilst other struggle and often fail if they adopt this ‘full-on’ approach. If you are one of these people, then consider transitioning gradually, adopting a high-raw, low-fat vegan diet and then gradually shifting towards a 100% raw vegan diet. There are…

The 80/10/10 Diet Or The 90/5/5 Diet: Which One Is “Best”?

Most of you will already know about the 80/10/10 diet  by Dr. Douglas Graham (high-carb, high-fruit and low-fat raw vegan diet), but have you come across the 90/5/5 diet before Ok, so let’s firstly set out the basics for those of you who may not know about the 80/10/10 low fat raw vegan diet, which very simply put means a diet that has a minimum of 80% of total daily calories coming from carbohydrates, maximum of 10% coming from fat…

What Raw Vegans Eat In Their Typical Day

What do raw vegans eat in their typical day? People often get really curious about it. Now, first, let us say that there isn’t such a thing as a raw food diet. There are raw food diets. Some of them can actually be really unhealthy for you, like a high fat raw diet. However, if you base your meal plan upon primarily fruit, with plenty of greens, veggies and some nuts and seeds, then you will be eating a healthy raw food plan. Here is a…

Cookie Policy

What’s a cookie? A “cookie” is a piece of information that is stored on your computer’s hard drive and which records how you move your way around a website so that, when you revisit that website, it can present tailored options based on the information stored about your last visit. Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes. Cookies are used by nearly all websites and do not harm your system. If you…

Why I’m Breastfeeding Our 4-Year Old

“Still breastfeeding your daughter? She’ll be breastfeeding until she’s 18!” “Breastfeeding at this age? Haven’t you got something better to do?” These are just some of the comments that I heard on my 4-year breastfeeding journey. Yet, breastfeeding beyond infancy is actually the norm, and not an exception to the norm. According to a study, in the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides: 29% of energy requirements 43% of…

Gut Health: How To Improve Digestion In 3 Steps

Gut Health 101 Gut health is central to the health of your hormones, immune system, weight and overall health. Hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases, like Hashimoto’s thyroditis, skin issues, fatigue, brain fog and many other health issues can all be linked to your gut health. I talk about how to improve your digestion in 3 steps in this video: Gut health is a big and popular topic in the world of alternative medicine. Your gut’s…

The Truth About LDL Cholesterol And Diet: What People Get Wrong

Do you really need to worry about your LDL cholesterol levels (also known as bad cholesterol)? Or is the subject just totally overblown and not worth worrying about? High fat diet promoters who follow diets like Keto and Paleo typically go with the idea that elevated blood LDL cholesterol levels aren’t something that you should be too concerned about. They can say that for as long as you eat what they believe is a “healthy diet” with lots of…

Hashimoto Thyroid Vegan Diet: Can It Address Hypothyroidism?

Hashimoto thyroid vegan diet: does a plant foods diet work to balance hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, or can it make it worst? Many people are discovering the amazing, scientifically-proven benefits of a vegan diet, but will a Hashimoto thyroid diet work for you? If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroid disease, you’ve probably been told by your doctor that it’s an irreversible chronic disease. Nearly 5 out of 100 Americans aged…

How Saturated Fat Can Ruin Your Hormones And Liver Health

High-fat diets like the Paleo and Keto diets typically contain large amounts of saturated fat, but is this type of fat beneficial for your hormonal health and liver health? Apparently, on a high-fat diet, you will lose weight, you will feel more energy, balance your hormone levels, protect yourself from blood sugar problems because you’re eating little or no sugar and carbs. They even tell you that you can protect yourself from liver problems…