Gut Microbiome – How It Affects Your Hormones and Health

What is a gut microbiome diet and what can it do for the health of your hormones, energy levels and weight loss? Your gut microbiome is a collection of different microbes, including viruses, fungi and bacteria that exist together in your gut. These microbes in a healthy gut will help keep your hormones balanced, your energy levels up, your weight balanced and support your immune system and brain function. Microbiome testing or microbiome…

The 4 Myths About Hormones And Weight Loss

Did you know that severely restricting yourself of calories can sabotage your hormones and weight loss? Not only that, but it can also ruin your overall health including your energy levels. So here are 4 myths about hormones and weight loss that you need to be aware of … The 1st myth is that you need to restrict your calories. You have excess weight to lose, maybe a lot of excess weight and you decided that you want to lose it now and be…

Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism And Adrenal Fatigue: Preventing Flare-Ups

If you have Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism then most likely your doctor has told you that it’s an irreversible chronic disease. You probably also have hypothyroidism, as well as Hashimoto’s and adrenal fatigue, you probably know about the ups and downs that come with them. Hashimoto’s or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, affects 14 million people in the United States alone, making it the most common thyroid disorder in America. The American Thyroid…

How To Do A Banana Diet Plan For Detox, Weight Loss And Health

Banana diet plan, or a banana island, is an easy and sweet way to detox, start your weight loss journey and aid your body’s healing. I’ve done several banana diets (or banana islands) myself and many of my clients enjoy eating an abundance of bananas each day. Today, I am going to talk about all the ins and outs of this cleanse for balanced hormones, weight loss and increased energy levels. Here is a video about it: The benefits of…

Essential Diet Rules To Overcome Autoimmune Disease

If you have an autoimmune disease, in today’s article and video we’ll talk about the 3 diet rules to overcome autoimmune disease. First off, what exactly is an autoimmune disease? Well, basically an autoimmune disease is where your own body’s immune system mistakenly attacks your own body. Your immune system normally guards your body against things like viruses and unwanted bacteria. To do this, it sends out special immune cells to…

Health Risks And Dangers Of Eating Coconut Oil

Many people claim that coconut oil is healthy for you or even a so called ‘super food’. However, did you know that it has health risks associated with it? This week’s video talks about it in detail: There is a very strong case against consuming oils of any kind, including coconut oil. Coconut oil is an unhealthy junk food When you extract and so fragment nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber then you simply…

Insulin Resistance Diet – Exactly What You Should Eat

If you have diabetes and look at the mainstream medical establishments recommendations, you’ll see that they recommend a diet that is rich in protein and fat and low in sugary foods and so a diet that actually promotes insulin resistance. So if you have diabetes and don’t want to eat an insulin resistance diet and starve yourself of sugar, what is the alternative? It has been estimated that currently diabetes affects some 371…

How To Turn Off Your Fat Genes With Dr. Neal Barnard

How can you turn off your fat genes? Dr. Neal Barnard has the answer! Dr. Neal Barnard is a world renowned medical doctor who has authored more than 70 scientific publications as well as 18 books. Dr. Barnard believes in preventative medicine and likes to show people that they don’t need animal products to feel satisfied by what they eat. He has conducted studies that show how eating whole food and vegan can improve your health. Dr….

PCOS, Infertility And Blood Sugar Imbalances

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that can affect your ability as a woman to produce eggs, which can result in infertility. Most of the time, women discover that they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s, but women of other ages can also suffer from PCOS. What typically happens when you suffer from PCOS is that your ovaries become enlarged and you develop a number of fluid-filled sacs (follicles) inside your ovaries. I talk about this…

What Makes Chocolate Unhealthy And Toxic For Your Body

“Raw chocolate tastes like … love!” “Chocolate is “the food of the gods” — it is the ultimate superfood!” This, however, it is untrue. In fact, chocolate is unhealthy and toxic for your body. You will hear that raw chocolate is packed full of minerals, such as magnesium, iron, copper, zinc. They also say that it contains flavonoids that are supposed to help deal with any damaging free-radicals in your body. With all these…