Raw Food Dental Care: A Guide To Avoiding Cavities

Do you want to get a comprehensive guide to raw food dental care? You’re in the right place! Recently, I paid a visit to the dentist to have my regular check up. I was curious to find out about my dental health after 7 years of living on a high fruit, mostly raw vegan lifestyle and if my raw food dental care routine was working or not. Upon examination, the dentist revealed her verdict: “Your teeth are perfectly healthy! No cavities!”…

Metabolic Damage Myth And Why You Gain Weight

There are a lot of nutritional myths out there and one of them is metabolic damage. During my 6-year journey as a high-carb raw vegan and a health coach, I’ve assisted people who have actually gained weight on a low-fat raw vegan or raw till 4 diet. Here is my video about it: Some promoters in this niche will try to convince other people that it is due to “metabolic damage”. But is this true and is there any science to back up this claim? What…

How Folic Acid Can Harm You And Your Baby

While many of us have been led to believe that taking folic acid is actually good for your health, especially during pregnancy, the truth is it can actually be harmful for you. Folate, which is also known as vitamin B-9, or folic acid in its synthetic form, is one of the essential B vitamins. We need to consume in our diets and it is required by the human body for cell division and to make genetic material, including DNA. As a water soluble…

Why Honey Is Not Vegan Or Necessary To Eat

Honey is actually not vegan or necessary to eat. Most of us would have heard at one time or another that it’s some kind of wonder food. And it is. However, only for the bees. We talk about honey in our video today. Why Eating Honey Is Not Vegan And Healthy To Eat When people think of honey (and we were just the same when we used to eat it before becoming vegan) they imagine large green pastures of grass and flowers where bees would fly around…

Turning Off Your Fat Genes And Creating Healthy Weight Loss With Dr. Neal Barnard

How can you turn off your fat genes and achieve healthy weight loss? Dr. Neal Barnard has the answer! Dr. Barnard believes in preventative medicine and likes to show people that they don’t need animal products to feel satisfied with what they eat. Dr. Neal Barnard is a world-renowned medical doctor who has authored more than 70 scientific publications as well as 18 books. He has conducted studies that show how eating whole food and vegan can…