Reversing Hashimoto Thyroid Disease Naturally – Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroid disease, you’ve probably been told by your doctor that it’s an irreversible chronic disease. The good news, however, there are a lot of things you can do to improve or reverse Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Hashimoto or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, affects 14 million people in the United States alone, making it the most common thyroid disorder in America. The American Thyroid Association…

Candida Diet Recipe – Tahini Beet Salad

If you are looking for Candida diet recipes, today we are going to share with you a delicious Candida diet recipe that is easy to make and can help you begin reversing your candida overgrowth. Now, if you yourself are currently suffering from a candida overgrowth you almost certainly will have been searching for candida diet recipes, candida diet food lists and candida diet meal plans. The big problem though is that anti-candida diet recipes or…

Anti-Inflammatory Diet For Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease

An anti-inflammatory diet for Hashimoto’s thyroid disease is a vital step to take to help with improving or reversing it. Over 90% of people conventionally diagnosed with hypothyroidism are, in fact, suffering from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis disease, which is an autoimmune disease. What typically happens and what happened to me personally on my thyroid journey is when you develop hypothyroid symptoms and you visit your doctor they will…

Candida Diet Failure: Why You Still Have Candida

Why do so many people fail on an anti-candida diet? You want to resolve your candida infection and are doing an anti-candida diet, but you are still having health problems. The symptoms of candida that you are experiencing can include issues like fatigue, bloating, skin breakouts, a white tongue, thrush, brain fog, digestive problems and more … So when your levels of candida, also known as candida albicans, go out of balance, it can cause many…

Reversing Hashimoto’s Thyroditis – Hypothyrodism Disorder

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a disease that I see a lot amongst my female clients, although some of the males we’ve worked with have also suffered with it. As a thyroid patient myself who spent over a decade studying this condition, I’m excited to talk about strategies to help you reverse Hashimoto’s Thyroditis naturally. What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in your throat. It serves as the…

I Quit The Low Sugar Diet 9 Years Ago. Here’s What Happened After …

Have you heard about low sugar diet plans that encourage you to quit carbohydrates and sugar? You probably have. I followed quit a low sugar diet 9 years ago and in today’s video I talk about what happened after I did that. Low Sugar Diet Dangers There are many misconceptions about sugar in our modern world. One such misconception is that all sugar is bad for you. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about processed white…

Starting A Raw Food Diet: How To Do It Right, Benefits And Science Behind It

If you’re starting a raw food diet or a plant-based diet, you definitely want to make sure you learn enough about it so you can achieve success on a this lifestyle. Having thrived on a mostly raw food plan for 16 years in between us, we’re excited to share the ins and outs about eating this way. When people hear about raw foods, they usually think that it’s all to do with eating a few salad leaves with some sticks of carrot and so is a…

How To Boost Female Fertility – The Best Diet To Eat

If you want to boost your fertility as a female and increase your chance of conception – your diet plays a central role. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, over 6 million women aged 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. (1) Around 1 in 7 couples from the UK may have difficulty conceiving. This is approximately 3.5 million people. (2) Infertility means not being able to get pregnant…

Ayurvedic Diet: Why It Can Damage Your Health

Should you follow the ayurvedic diet? Does it help you build your health, or does it harm your health? The Ayurvedic diet comes from Ayurveda – an ancient wellness practice that originated in India several thousand years ago and the word “Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit words which in their translation to English means “the science of life.” Since its inception, a lot has changed in the world, certainly…

Iodine For Thyroid: How Much Do You Need To Take?

Iodine for thyroid – how much do you actually need to take? First, why should you even think about iodine for your thyroid? Your thyroid gland is a hormone producing gland (known as an endocrine gland) that’s located in the front of your neck. Its role in your health is a vital one as it produces the hormones called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These two hormones are necessary for all the cells in your body to work normally….