Why You Should Avoid Liver Flush Or Gallstone Cleanse

Have you ever heard of a “liver flush” or “gallstone cleanse”? Considering doing it? This article found you at the right time! Today, we will look into what actually causes gallstones and why cleanses or flushes ultimately fail to deliver on what is promised. Some interesting facts: An estimated 20 million people in the United States have gallstones or a history of surgery to remove them. (1) There are annually ½ a…

Candida Diet Plan: Supplements, Diet And How To Start

Candida is a big problem for many people. Many will search for a candida diet plan and come across an anti-candida diet. Yet, most people fail on an anti-candida diet. Why? Of course, you want to resolve your candida infection and it seems that an anti-candida diet might be a sensible plan, yet it’s not … If you have symptoms of candida, such as fatigue, bloating, skin breakouts, a white tongue, thrush, brain fog, digestive problems…

Anti Inflammatory Plant Foods Diet To Beat Chronic Inflammation And Balance Hormones

Chronic inflammation is a massive problem the world over. It has been estimated that around 60% of Americans have at least one chronic health condition, 42% have more than one, and 12% of American adults have 5 or more chronic conditions. Worldwide, 3 of 5 people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Now, what is chronic inflammation? Well, it’s the…

Candida Cleanse With Fruit – Balance Candida Overgrowth Quickly

Is it possible to do a candida cleanse or candida detox by eating lots of fruit? You most probably think that going on an anti-candida diet means eating a diet high in fat and protein, while greatly reducing or eliminating your carb intake. Many people believe this, but does it actually heal candida and resolve the yeast infection? Around 70 million Americans suffer from some sort of digestive issue every single day (1) with a leaky gut and…

Probiotics For Gut Health – Top Myths

If you have ever had a problem with your digestive health, then the chances are you would have come across the idea of using probiotics for gut health. Most people think that probiotics are necessary for gut health, but is this actually correct? Can probiotics supplements actually fail to work, or even make things worse? There are a lot of myths surrounding the topic of probiotic benefits and what may be the best probiotics for gut health. The…

40+ Metabolism Weight Loss – The Best Meal Plan To Help

If you’re 40+ and you’re looking to achieve metabolism weight loss, you need the right meal plan. True, your metabolism slows down as you get to around that 40-year mark. Slow metabolism symptoms can appear in various forms – from low energy levels to slower digestion, and the much dreaded excess weight gain. As a 40+ woman, you can experience a long list of health issues as you go through your perimenopause and menopause….

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need For Healthy Hormones And Energy

Who doesn’t like feeling good and having healthy-balanced hormones, excellent energy levels, and a happy mood? I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t want these things for themselves yet unfortunately, there are many, many people out there on a daily basis who don’t experience balanced hormones, excellent energy levels, and feel good. An essential part of people’s health that is much overlooked is vitamin D. Science is finding out…

How Much Salt Is Healthy And How Much Is Harmful

Most people have salt in their diet and either add it to their food as table salt or consume it via the processed foods that they eat as in prepackaged meals, for example. But the evidence tells us that too much sodium can cause you serious health problems and this is what you’ll discover in our video today. Even though salt has played a large role in the human diet for many thousands of years, science is now revealing more and more that…

What You Must Know Before Having A Hysterectomy

If you have been recommended a hysterectomy by your doctor, there are certain facts that you must know before you decide to go ahead with this procedure. Hysterectomy refers to a major operation where you have part or all of your uterus or womb removed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed in the United States every year. (1) Research shows nearly all of them are elective…

Top 3 Diet Myths That Keep You Overweight And Sick

Today, we’re talking about the 3 diet myths that are sabotaging your health, keeping your overweight and sick. The statistics for obesity are shocking – every 4th women in the US aged 18 to 44 is obese. (1) The major problem is that being obese raises your risk of suffering from numerous health issues and diseases, including various types of cancer, heart disease, stroke and also type 2 diabetes.(2) In addition to all this, being…