Good Fats Versus Bad Fats: What Fats Should You Eat For Balanced Weight And Hormones

So you are eating what you believe is a healthy diet, but could it be that some of the fats in your diet are unhealthy and are sabotaging your health, causing you to gain excess weight and experience hormonal imbalances. Now fat is what is termed a macronutrient, and together with protein and carbohydrate the other 2 macronutrients, it is essential for your health. One thing is for certain, we all need a certain amount of fat in our diet to be…

Hypothyroidism Diet: How To Eat Right To Balance Your Thyroid

What is the best hypothyroidism diet? The type of diet that can really help you reverse thyroid imbalances? About 4.6 percent of the U.S. population aged 12 and older has hypothyroidism and that’s almost 5 people out of every 100. Hypothyroidism is a chronic illness that we help many of our female clients, with. When someone first gets their diagnosis of hypothyroidism they typically have many questions that they want to seek answers for…

Good Fats, Bad Fats – Which Ones Are You Eating?

Are you eating good fats or bad fats? Bad fats can lead to high cholesterol levels, inflammation, weight gain and poor mental performance … so let’s explore what they are! I talk about fats in this video: Good Fats, Bad Fats … So you are eating what you believe is a healthy diet, but could it be that some of the fats in your diet are bad fats and actually damaging your health? Fat is a macronutrient, together with protein and…

The Fast Track To Overcoming Fertility Problems After 30

If you want to increase your chances of avoiding fertility problems as a 30+ female and increase your chances of conception, today’s video is for you. The majority of women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but the menopause can also occur earlier, in 30s and 40s. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, over 6 million women in the US aged 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying…

What you really need to know about organic versus conventional produce. Part 2.

by Paul Tarbath Unfortunately, in today’s world it appears we all take a chance with our health to some degree when we consume conventional fruits and vegetables and even organic produce, which might not be as safe as many of us have been led to believe. A very useful US based website can be found at the following link, which goes into detail about which chemicals can potentially be found on the type of produce you buy and their possible…

Candida Diet: The Best Carbs For Candida Overgrowth

Do you follow a candida diet to balance your Candida overgrowth, commonly known as the anti-candida diet? It can seem tempting to follow the anti-candida diet to get rid of your candida problem. If you used to eat fruit or carbs for breakfast, for your candida diet breakfast you’ll typically eat a lot of protein and fat instead. Carbs are something that you are told to avoid with the anti-candida plan. But … eating too much fat and…

My Candida Test Results After 9 Years On A High-Sugar Diet

Candida and a high-sugar, fruit based diet don’t work together at all, according to the traditional “anti-candida” sugar free approach. Typically the very first piece of advice that you’ll get from most people when it comes to Candida usually sounds something like this: “Remove all the sugar from your diet and go on an “anti-candida”, low carb diet.” This mean very little or no fruit, very little carbs and lots of fat…

Vegan Diet Candida Plan – How To Balance Candida Fast

Looking to switch to a vegan candida diet plan to balance your candida overgrowth fast? If you feel fatigued, bloated, irritable and have skin and weight issues – candida could be the cause. So you’ll probably want to follow the right candida diet to help you reverse it. Now, one diet called the anti-candida diet is supposed to help you treat a candida overgrowth/yeast infection. So people with chronic candida will often switch to the…

Candida Diet Vegan Plan To Overcome Yeast Overgrowth

Looking to switch to a vegan candida diet vegan plan to balance your candida overgrowth fast? If you feel low in energy, bloated, irritable, and have skin or weight issues – candida could be the reason. So you’ll probably want to follow the right candida diet meal plan to help you reverse it. Now, one diet known as the anti-candida diet is supposed to help you treat a candida overgrowth/yeast infection. So people with chronic candida will often…

Can You Balance Candida Naturally With Just Antifungals?

If you have had a Candida overgrowth or perhaps you are currently struggling with one, then you almost certainly would have heard about what is called the ‘anti-candida diet’. In short, a diet that is supposed to starve your candida overgrowth of sugar and make it go away. But from my own personal experience and thousands of others, this understanding is totally flawed. I struggled for around 2 years on an anti-candida diet eating lots of fat…