It has been 5 years since we started on a high fruit and low fat raw vegan diet known as the 80/10/10 diet. During these 5 years we have consumed […]
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Q&A About My Pregnancy
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About Yulia Tarbath and Paul Tarbath

Hi, we are Paul Tarbath and Yulia Tarbath and we’re both Certified Holistic Health And Nutrition Coaches with 10+ years of experience. We help women who have hormonal and gut issues, including hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, PCOS, Candida and others who are feeling fatigued, stuck and frustrated with lack of results and no longer want to accept pain and suffering a minute longer, overcome their challenges naturally without endless doctor visits, low carbohydrate fad diets and a suitcase of supplements, so that they can finally take their power back, create a high energy and confident body and live an energetic life in order to achieve their personal, relationship and business goals.
Over the years, we’ve already reached millions of people with our message and assisted hundreds of our clients into health. We’re here to help you too …
Our passion for health has led us to create a big conscious family of wellness minded people around the world who we assist via our Youtube channel, newsletter, and coaching.
We run a popular Rawsomehealthy Youtube channel with over 11 million views and we are followed by over 100,000 people across the world.
We’ve been featured in the Huffington Post, Daily Mail, The Mirror, Natural News, Mind Body Green, The Elephant Journal, Women’s Weekly, India Times, Blogtalk Radio, and other magazines, newspapers, blogs and websites.
Through our work, we help people like you to take action and reverse their hormonal imbalances and achieve healthy weight naturally with the help of a holistic, plant-foods lifestyle.

How did we get started on our healing path?

It was the summer of 2009 and I was going through a health crisis.
I experienced hormonal issues, including PCOS, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, fertility issues, Candida, depression, hypoglycaemia (a pre-cursor to type 2 Diabetes), severe food cravings, and chronic fatigue.
On most days I felt so exhausted that I did not even have enough strength to move about, let alone exercise. Paul would come back from work at 5pm and see me in bed struggling to get up.
I reached my tipping point. I could no longer carry on living in pain and feel energy deprived. I was committed and determined to get my health back. I could pay a million dollars to restore it and do whatever I needed to do – it was that big of priority for me!
Paul also experienced headaches, recurring colds and flus that would last a few weeks at a time, as well as hemorrhoids, and sinus problems.
We experimented with endless diets to help us restore – from Anti-Candida to Ayurveda, gluten free, sugar free – you name it. We also tried many alternative methods of healing, I saw many experts, did colonics, liver flushes, herbs and therapies, juice and water fasts, “super foods” and endless supplements. My cupboard was full of supplements, yet my health was getting worst.
Despite our efforts, our health never reached its optimum level, which encouraged us to keep digging deeper.
Our desire to be healthy eventually led us to discover a plant foods lifestyle.
The symptoms of Candida overgrowth that I’ve been trying to balance for 2 years with the “anti-candida” diet and various remedies corrected itself in just 3 days!
Then, my adrenal fatigue, digestive disorders, PMS, mental/emotional imbalances, hypoglycemia, and food cravings were all gradually healed.
I also healed PCOS, fertility issues and send Hashimoto’s thyroiditis into remission, which is an autoimmune thyroid disease. My life was transformed!
From me being almost bed ridden with fatigue, Paul and I turned into athletes and I was able to complete a full marathon, a triathlon and participate in other races.
We built a successful business, travelled the world and reached millions of people with our message.
And the greatest reward? I overcame fertility issues and gave birth to our beautiful and healthy daughter, Elanie who is now following our health building lifestyle.
Now, after leading our lifestyle for many years, we truly feel that our bodies, minds, and souls have been renewed.
From being stuck and having endless health issues, body inflamed, feeling exhausted, going from doctor to doctor, having cravings and feeling frustrated and defeated, we turned everything around and now live a life where we have energy, drive, mind focus, joy, health, active life – what a transformation!
You have to power to restore your health, change your life, take charge of your own food and lifestyle choices and stay beautiful, slim and glowing.
We’re here to help you reach the highest levels of your health potential and create a vibrant, meaningful and deeply connected life.

Ready for your big health leap?
Take that next step. We’re excited to invite you to our online training.
During this FREE masterclass, Yulia will walk you through the 5 steps our clients use to overcome gut and hormonal imbalances and lost up to 20 lbs in 60 days … without any carbohydrate restriction and a suitcase of supplements.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading more about us.
We’re excited to connect with you and see what we can create together.
Yours in abundant health,
Yulia and Paul Tarbath